Phchum Ben

on Thursday, October 06, 2005

Well this is my third blog in a row for today. But feel want to write something. Phchum Ben Festival Holiday is over, i enjoy it very much. What supprise me, I see the event list in CNN news for Asia Today program this morning too.

Wonder about Negroponte's sub-100$ soon...

Beside tech innovation, i see there's a lot of book published in Cambodia too, If there's a Book would be great. ISBN for Cambodia is 9995, you can register with National Library (free of charge as far as i know). There's now magazine for Car, for Phone in Khmer...i wish there's one for science or nature ( like the Nature, American Scientist, New Scientist, Popular Science or National Geographic)...I plan to invest in that sector too...but just a plan..don't know yet..well for tech magazine...there's many now..( Talking about publishing, there's many quality printing house now). I like Reyum (art n culture book), Room to Read (children book), SIPAR book...they are highly innovative, informative and quality design. IIC book focus to economic and business subject..very useful... I want to see more from other institution in specialise subject.

Gotta stop by this. C ya


Have you try Window Vista Beta 1 yet? It's cool, fresh new look. But much awaited for me is Khmer Operating System ( I wanna be tester for it too..but don't know how can i...well i watch the news for every step of its development. I like the firefox, font....Cheer everyone in that project.

Long Time

It's been a while that's I've never been here. Thanks Tharum for your comment. Yes I can custom build my own PC, and i can help you too, if you need. Jinja I didn't know about the Blogger get together in Phnom Penh, 'til i see the news in the Daily....and came across your comment at later time...but it's too late...If i knew earlier I would go either...anyway...wish there's next time.

I don't come here regularly, but if there's comment, I'll be back.